Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rhyme and Rhythm

Click on this link, 12 Factors 2013-11-07,  for more puzzles.
Seventeen years ago, when my daughter was learning the multiplication facts, I came across a rhyme that taught one fact:
5, 6, 7, 8……….56 is 7 times 8.
1, 2, 3, 4……….I know twelve is 3 times 4.
3 x 4 = 12 isn’t as difficult to remember as 7 x 8 = 56. Still I find it fun to notice the relationship between counting to eight and these two multiplication facts. I enjoyed the rhymes mentioned in my 10/31/2013 post, and I have found yet another site with rhymes for learning the multiplication facts. Two rhymes similar to these 12 and 56 counting rhymes were even included!  The site is :
Some children have no problem memorizing number facts, but for some children, a rhyme makes learning the facts more fun and much easier.  Even though I already know all of the basic multiplication facts, I am going to memorize these rhymes simply because I personally enjoy them.  I also know I will have at least one opportunity every week to share them with someone trying to memorize the facts: Already when a student asks me, "what's 7 x 8?" I always answer in rhyme.
Besides the two rhymes listed above, my favorites are:
Times One: Mirror, mirror look and see, it's the other number, not me.
Times Zero:  Zero is always the hero
Six times six / Magic tricks / Abracadabra / thirty-six
A tree on skates fell on the floor / Three times eight is twenty-four.
A 4 by 4 is a big machine, Iʼm going to get one when Iʼm 16.
This week I even wrote one myself:  Twelve times twelve / Is a dozen dozen / A gross one forty-four / Just ask my cousin.
Robin Liner writes a blog ( that discusses reading and dyslexia.  On October 5, 2013 , she wrote Rhythm and Rhyme: A Phonological Power Tool.  She wrote, "Rhymes provide subconscious clues." That means someone is more likely to get an answer right when that answer rhymes with the question. What a fun and powerful way to learn!
Much of what she wrote not only applies to learning to read but also to learning math, science, history, ....... anything.


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